The Power of a Technology Portfolio: Films & Flexibles Packaging
The Power of a Technology Portfolio: Films & Flexibles Packaging
Films and flexibles packaging is one the fastest growing packaging types, is not readily recyclable, and currently contaminates the U.S.’s curbside recycling system. REMADE is exploring ways to make films and flexibles fully recyclable.
According to the Recycling Partnership, a REMADE member, film & flexible packaging is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 3%. Today, much of this material is sent to landfills. And even in places where it’s collected, much of it is lost.
REMADE has multiple R&D projects working to address films and flexibles, including projects focused on optimization, collection and separation. Our current portfolio of films and flexibles projects – conducted in partnership with Unilever, Michigan Tech and others - is capable of saving up to 50 petajoules of embodied energy annually, up to 2 million metric tons of materials savings per year, and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 2 million metric tons annually.
For more information, read our 2020 Impact Report here.