REMADE Announces $43 Million in New Technology Research
REMADE Announces $43 Million in New Technology Research
Institute Selects 24 Projects in Latest Round of Funding
The REMADE Institute is proud to announce $43 million in new technology research, selecting 24 new projects as part of the institute’s latest round of funding. We are pleased to congratulate all of the award winners.
This latest round of funding, REMADE’s fourth, brings the institute’s total number of research projects to more than 60, representing a total combined value of $63 million since the institute’s founding in 2017.
Of the 24 projects, many involve new partners for REMADE, including the Ford Motor Company, BASF, and Case Western Reserve University. They join more than 90 existing partners, including industry innovators and academic researchers with Caterpillar, John Deere, Michelin, Nike, MIT, RIT, Yale University and many more.
REMADE Chief Executive Officer Nasr said a new round of funding, valued at an additional $46 million, is expected to be announced in late spring. Projects that address education and workforce development will be considered in the fifth round, in addition to the transformational and traditional research projects that REMADE prioritizes.
“Our mission is to reduce energy consumption and decrease emissions, while increasing the U.S.’s manufacturing competitiveness,” Nasr said. “Our experts are working diligently to reach these critically important goals and, in the process, accelerate the U.S.’s transition to a Circular Economy.”
A list of our 24 projects is below:
Selective Recovery of Elements from Molten Aluminum Alloys
Phinix, LLC, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Kingston Process Metallurgy, Smelter Service Corporation, Certified Flux Solutions, LLC
Dynamic Crosslinking to Enable EVA Recycling
Braskem America, Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Allbirds, Inc.
Diverting Mixed Polyolefins from Municipal Solid Waste to Feedstocks for Automotive and Building Applications
Michigan State University (MSU), National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), PADNOS
Chemical Recycling of Mixed PET/Polyolefin Streams Through Sequential Pyrolysis and Catalytic Upgrading
The Pennsylvania State University (PSU), Northwestern University, Shaw Group Industries, Inc., Process Systems Enterprise, Inc. - A Siemens Business
Smart Additive Manufacturing Towards Use of Recycled Paper Fibers for Producing High-quality Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Composites
University of Iowa, Impossible Objects, Inc.
Identification of Mixed Plastics and Valuable Electronics at the Source
University of Miami, Lid Vizion, LLC
Recycling of PET in Sustainable Food Packaging Systems
MuCell Extrusion LLC, Plastilene SAS a Plastilene Group Company, Wingate Packaging, Sugar Creek Packaging Co., Center for Innovative Food Technology (CIFT), The Ohio State University (OSU)
Reprocessing and Upcycling of Mixed Polyurethane Waste Streams
Northwestern University, BASF
Efficient Purification and Reuse of Carbon Black Recovered from End-of-Life Tires
University of Utah, Idaho National Laboratory (INL), OTR Wheel Engineering/Green Carbon
Delamination as Key Enabler for the Recycling of Polymer-based Multilayer Packaging
The Research Foundation for SUNY - University of Buffalo, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Modern Corporation, Honeywell (Performance Materials Technologies)
Zero-Waste Recycling of Blended PET Fiber to Transform Polymer Sourcing
Circ, Fiber Industries, SeaChange Technologies, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), lululemon
Development of Instruments and Techniques That Can Assess Tire Life and Increase Re-Manufacturing of Commercial Vehicle Tires
Michelin North America, Northwestern University
Development of Additive Manufacturing Material and Process Technologies to Improve the Re-Manufacturing Efficiency of Commercial Vehicle Tires
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Arizona State University (ASU), Michelin North America, Nike Inc., Sealed Air Corporation
Remanufacturing of Surface-Hardened Steel Components by Ultrasonic Surface Modification
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Caterpillar, Inc., University of Pittsburgh (PITT)
Supramolecular Interfacial Reinforcement for Manufacture Utilizing Mixed Secondary Plastic Feedstock
The University of Akron, Braskem
Achieving 100% Recycling Aluminum in Die Casting Applications
The Ohio State University (OSU), Alcoa USA Corp., North American Die Casting Association (NADCA), CompuTherm LLC
Enabling Cross-industry Reuse of Comingled Waste Plastics as Quality Asphalt Modifier for Sustainable Pavement
University of Tennessee - Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Paragon Technical Services Inc. (a subsidiary of Ergon Asphalt and Emulsions, Inc.)
Sustainable Automotive Manufacturing
Michigan State University (MSU), American Chemistry Council (ACC), BASF
Chemical Conversion and Process Control for Increased used of Polyethylene and Polypropylene Secondary Feedstocks
University of Massachusetts Lowell (UM-L), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), SER North America LLC, iMFLUX Inc.
Material and Vehicle Design for High-Value Recycling of Aluminum and Steel Automotive Sheet
University of Michigan, Ford Motor Company, Novelis, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI), The Aluminum Association, Light Metal Consultants
Analysis and Design for Sustainable Circularity of Barrier Film in Sheet Molding Composites
The Ohio State University (OSU), Kohler Co., National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Arizona State University (ASU)
Building Re-X (BREX): Data, Methodology, and Design Integration
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Building Transparency, Skidmore Owings & Merrill
Dynamic Systems Analysis of PET and Olefin Polymers in a Circular Economy
Michigan Technological University (MTU), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Resource Recycling Systems (RRS), Yale University, Chemstations, Honeywell UOP