Precious Metal Recovery from Waste Printed Circuit Boards: Overview

Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are an essential component of modern electronic equipment and are one of the more promising e-waste sources of precious metals. For example, typical PC motherboards contain 566 ppm gold, 639 ppm silver, and 124 ppm palladium – two of which (gold and palladium) are more than an order of magnitude above typical economic ore grades. A considerable amount of research has been conducted by researchers and engineers to develop efficient methods and flowsheets for precious metal recovery from PCBs. In this webinar, a comprehensive overview of the existing recovery methods and flowsheets will be presented, and the advantages and disadvantages of each method and flowsheet will be evaluated. Moreover, research findings from a newly launched exploratory project funded by REMADE about precious metal recovery from PCBs will be presented.

*This webinar replay is coming soon and will be available exclusively for active Members of the Institute through the Member Portal. If you are interested in learning more about member benefits or becoming part of our consortium, please visit the membership page.


December 7
- 1:30


Members Only

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