Manufacturing of Paper from Recycled Fibers: Process, Products, & Technologies – Awareness

This short course provides an overview of the paper recycling processes and technologies including various types of paper that can be recovered and the grades of paper that are manufactured from recycled fibers.

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The Recycling System: Value Chains, Collection, MRFs, & Markets – Awareness

This short course offers a broad introduction to fiber recovery infrastructure including a value chain overview, a history and evolution of recycled fiber collection, MRF sortation practices, markets, and national trend impacts.

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Advanced Fibers Recycling Awareness Certificate

This six-part short course awareness level certificate focuses on recycling systems, MRFs, markets, manufacturing, fiber properties & physics, printing inks/deinking, stickies and involves a tour of a paper pilot plant.

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Additive Repair Technology for Remanufacturing

This short course provides an overview and training on additive repair technologies.

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Data-Driven Design for Remanufacturing of High-Value Components in Industrial and Agricultural Equipment

In this REMADE project webinar, discover how important the design process can be for reman of industrial and agricultural equipment. Duration: 49 minutes

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Design for Reman – Real World Challenges and Opportunities

During the hour-long webinar, we’ll discuss the challenges of designing for remanufacturing, the importance of making reman a design consideration and examples of successes with designing remanufacturing for multiple life cycles.

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