Enhanced Processing of Aluminum Scrap at End-Of-Life via Artificial Intelligence & Smart Sensing

As aluminum-intensive vehicles reach their end of life, there is a growing need for enhanced recycling capabilities that enable upcycling and minimize dilution as a solution.

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New Technology Recovers Aluminum from Industrial Scrap Metal

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Non-Destructive Evaluation of Fatigue Damage Based on Sensor Fusion & Machine Learning

Non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of fatigue damage in recycled materials is essential to maximize the benefits of utilizing such materials for remanufacturing. Duration: 52 minutes

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Design Capture & Design for Remanufacturing

Discussions in this short course focus on how each technology areas fits within the remanufacturing process and why it is critical to successful remanufacturing. Awareness Level. Duration: 1 hour 24 minutes.

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Sorting & Impurity Removal to Improve the Recycling of Steel Scrap from Auto Shredders

This course explores commercially available options and processes in development for sortation of automobile steel scrap. Duration: 44 min

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Condition Assessment Technology for Remanufacturing

This short course provides an overview and training on condition assessment technology for remanufacturers. Awareness Level. Duration: 1 hour 26 minutes.

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Cleaning Technology for Remanufacturing

This short course provides an overview and training on cleaning technology for remanufacturers. Awareness Level. Duration 1 hour 13 minutes.

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Structural Steel Components Remanufacturing via Ultrasonic Surface Modification

In this webinar, the basics of UIT are explored with an emphasis on developing a detailed mechanistic insight into how UIT influences surface properties.

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Sustainable Aluminum Die Casting

This webinar replay outlines the strategies and technologies being developed for industry, aiming at 100% use of secondary aluminum in die casting. Duration: 1 hr 2 min

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Data-Driven Design for Remanufacturing of High-Value Components in Industrial and Agricultural Equipment

In this REMADE project webinar, discover how important the design process can be for reman of industrial and agricultural equipment. Duration: 49 minutes

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